Thursday, March 24, 2016

11 Adorable Human Facts That Will Restore Your Faith In Humanity Fun Love

11 Adorable Human Facts That Will Restore Your Faith In Humanity Fun Love

So human, so sweet.

When a human likes another human, they hold hands.

When a human likes another human, they hold hands.

Humans will often walk, sit, or talk while holding hands. They hold hands with their mate, family, friends, and offspring. (Awwww.)

Loryn Brantz for BuzzFeed

Humans love to eat sweet and soft concoctions made of sugar and cream. When it's warm, they call it "pudding." When it's cold, they call it "ice cream."

Humans love to eat sweet and soft concoctions made of sugar and cream. When it's warm, they call it "pudding." When it's cold, they call it "ice cream."

They even love sugar and cream so much sometimes they whip it and put the "whipped cream" on top of their other cream-based sweets.

Loryn Brantz for BuzzFeed

Humans love to "hug." They embrace each other's bodies and it actually produces good-feeling chemicals in them.

Humans love to "hug." They embrace each other's bodies and it actually produces good-feeling chemicals in them.

Humans will hug each other for many reasons — love, celebration, sadness, comfort, romance, and even just to say hello or goodbye! How cute is that?

Loryn Brantz for BuzzFeed

Humans often "cuddle," which is basically just a very long hug.

Humans often "cuddle," which is basically just a very long hug.

One of the positions of "cuddling" resembles the utensil they use to eat pudding, "spoons," so they call it "spooning."

Loryn Brantz for BuzzFeed

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11 Adorable Human Facts That Will Restore Your Faith In Humanity Fun Love

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